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About SGA

Who are we?

Founded in 1969, the Society of Georgia Archivists (SGA) represents over 200 individuals and 100 repositories that care for historical records. In association with its member archivists, librarians, records managers, museum and historical agency personnel, and educators, the Society of Georgia Archivists is working to preserve the past and the present for the future.

What do we do?

Through SGA membership, professionals and volunteers stay current on the latest developments in the records-keeping field, especially with our members-only e-mail list!  SGA publishes Provenance, the journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists, and the SGA Newsletter.  SGA also offers workshops, scholarships, and an annual meeting.

What do we value?

Archivists are guided by a code of professional ethics. For more information, see the Society of American Archivists' Code of Ethics.